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Manuscript Publication Metadata

Every manuscript processed in JAMS holds publication metadata. In case the mandatory fields of manuscript publication metadata are not filled out, the system will prevent sending the manuscript to conversion. These metadata can be accessed as soon as the manuscript status is Accepted.


By following the green checkmark button, a new page with Publication Metadata will show.


Publishing Metadata Page

By navigating on this page, the journal staff is able to update the necessary details as well as upload the final PDF and XML files. Having accurate metadata input in this screen is crucial for the creation of production files and eventually for the dissemination of correct manuscript metadata on the internet.

Some of the fields in this screen might also be important to automatically create a DOI for the manuscript. In case the DOI generation logic is automatic, the DOI number will first appear grayed out and then populated by the system upon saving the data. You can find more information about DOI automation in this knowledge base article.

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