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Configurable Terms & Conditions

JAMS provides the functionality for the publishers to set up their own custom terms and conditions when an author submits a manuscript. The first step in order to set this up is to enable the Custom Terms and Conditions application feature in the Application Features page and save.


Once the feature has been enabled, Terms & Conditions can be created on the Website Settings page.


Upon clicking the pencil icon, a pop up window will open allowing the user to input Terms & Conditions text, format it accordingly and add hyperlinks. Additional options allow adding in section, as well as moving and deleting sections.


Once the Terms and Conditions have been entered and submitted, they will appear on the paper submission page as shown.


In case publishers have journal-specific Terms & Conditions, these can be set up by choosing to manage T&Cs at journal level instead of at system level in the application feature properties. In this case T&Cs will be available on the each Journal detail page instead of the Website Settings page.


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